Why do we say Rethink Ink?
Our clients have a need to market effectively to get their message, their story across to their potential clients. Printed marketing materials are vital to convey the benefits of your products and services. It gets your brand vision across in a meaningful way and draws the attention of your prospective customers to the product or service you are offering. Printed marketing materials remain relevant today across industries and distinguishes you, your business or brand from the competition. This article discusses the benefits of printed marketing materials and why you should incorporate them into your business.
Creates Brand Awareness
Making people aware of your business products or services requires a brand that can be duplicated across any media, both digital and in printing. Printed marketing materials are something that recipients can hold onto for a while even if it merely sits on their desk. It could be schwag such as a water bottle, note pad or even just a pen, or some type of clothing with your printed logo and call to action visible on the material. We can help you develop a recognizable brand that separates your business from the competition.

·Offers Better Branding Opportunities
Don’t focus on digital media alone. You see printed materials every day and you will want to be out there, too. With printed marketing campaigns, you can affect your audience through consistent and coherent brand communication. People feel more comfortable associating with things that they are familiar with. Unlike digital media, printed marketing materials offer multiple ways of displaying your company logo and brand to your customers. Some of the diverse range of options you can get with printed marketing materials from us include business cards, posters, letterheads, signs, flyers and even vehicle wraps. If people are familiar with your logo, it gives them greater confidence to pay attention to what you have to offer. Remember that both Coke and McDonalds advertise their brand every day in a number of ways and lots of those ways include printed material.
Affordable Advertising All-Year-Round
Many people like to be informed and educated about a product or service before they decide to buy. Price is one aspect of any buying decision, but value and quality is usually more important. Printed marketing campaigns don’t need to be quite as frequent advertising as they are already in the hands of prospective customers. Brochures provide prospective customers more time to read your information and unlike digital media, you do not have to limit the details. People can always hold onto printed materials until they are well informed and comfortable about your product and services. On the other hand, remember that people need to see your brand several times before it becomes top of mind, so use print in a variety of ways.
Customer Engagement
Customer engagement is always an elusive goal in any marketing campaign. It provides more than awareness as it changes the emotions, intellect, and behavior of a customer through the marketing communication used in the material. Giving your prospective customers something to hold onto and keep grabs their attention and is also considered the first stage of the engagement process. Digital media is great but does not engage the reader more effectively than paper material.
Builds Trust
A brand name that many people are familiar with and can be seen almost everywhere in town increases trust among new customers. A great example of using both print and digital marketing includes local car dealerships. Some of those businesses seem to be everywhere from sponsorships to billboards to magazines, mailers, and of course every salesperson has a business card. People who have never tried your brand’s products or were hesitant to do so in the first place can now gain the confidence to try it out. People want to do business with those they know, like and trust. Printed material can help your customer get to know you and can also build that trust factor. Something is special about the physical nature of a printed material that gives it more status in the eyes of a consumer compared to a screen-based material. Perhaps it could be that a screen-based material could be easily created, faked, or used as part of scams.

Increases Conversion Rate
The feeling you get when you hold a postcard advertisement, a printed brochure, or even a professionally designed business card cannot be replicated by web content or email. According to several studies of consumer behavior, more customers who receive direct mailers are more likely to respond and make a purchase compared to products or services only advertised on digital platforms. This explains why so many of our realtors use us for direct mail to the neighbors surrounding a recently sold home in their neighborhood. It is not just about getting your brand known to your prospective customers but also make them confident to purchase the product or service you are offering.
Printed marketing materials are very effective and can boost your business brand and authenticity to a targeted audience. You can always have the best of both worlds by incorporating both digital and printed mediums in your advertising campaign. To ensure you get the most out of your printed marketing materials, consider working with us to get your word out most effectively and efficiently.